Our Love | Teen Ink

Our Love

April 28, 2014
By 2fargone GOLD, Columbia, South Carolina
2fargone GOLD, Columbia, South Carolina
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
The best fights won are the fights not fought.

Our love is powerful
Our love is infinite
Our love is great
Our love will never seize


Our love needs to be tested
to the point of no return
and no turning back.
Our love needs to strained
to the point where all we want
is each other.
Our love needs to be weak
to the point where we will know
how strong it can get.
Our love needs to be hurt
to the point where it will form a callus
and become stronger.

Our love will be tested
Our love will be strained
Our love will be weak
Our love will be hurt

Our love is being tested
Our love is being strained
Our love is weak
Our love is hurt


Our love will win
and pass the test
against the point of no return
Our love will fight back
against the torture of life
and strain of lust.
Our love will prevail
against the pain
and never get weak again
Our love will heal
against the misery of this
and hurt of that

The author's comments:
i wrote this to my girlfriend at the time, but before i could read it to her, she broke up with me.

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