The End of the Gingerbread Man | Teen Ink

The End of the Gingerbread Man

December 24, 2014
By Kelcie PLATINUM, Rock Valley, Iowa
Kelcie PLATINUM, Rock Valley, Iowa
27 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without music, life would be a mistake.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

She was crazy in too many ways,
the following is one of her craziest days:

She started from the bottom.
She ate his toes, then his ankles.
She ate his legs, as he kicked and screamed.
She was enjoying this as you can see.

She ate his belly button, and chest,
all the while passing the test.
The test to prove she was crazy,
she was far from insanity.

She continued on to his neck,
only stopping for a second to check.
To check if he was still breathing,
she watched as he was bleeding.

Last but not least she ate his head,
for this Gingerbread man, it was the end.

You see, the little girl was crazy for cookies,
she watched the red icing ooze off the man.
All that was left was the head in her hand,
she ate him right up and did it all over again.

The author's comments:

Since Christmas is almost here, I decided to write a cute little poem. Now, at first, you think about some psycopath eating an actual person, but then you find out that it was just a little girl who's crazy for cookies. I hope that this quick-a-minute poem is good! Let me know what you think! :)

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