Song#1 | Teen Ink


July 29, 2015
By lucyliman SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
lucyliman SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’ve been controlled by energy beyond the stars
It always tells us where to go but never where we are
If you were to lay your head by mine until forever
I’d feel just as lonely as though we never were together

So please stay awake at night with me
We can watch our town, our city, our sea
And through the screams of silence you’ll see
That being lonely is just bad company

Never in my life should I leave the wounded souls
Or the desire to love my body, like a man I used to know
So I write to count the star I find in my heart
The same stars that can never tell me where we are

So stay awake at night with me, please

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