I'm sorry about the lies | Teen Ink

I'm sorry about the lies

November 9, 2015
By jared.cantrell BRONZE, Daphne, Alabama
jared.cantrell BRONZE, Daphne, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity- Edgar Allen Poe.
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names- John F. Kennedy

The time we spend together
Makes me wanna live another day
I wish I could take it all back
The choices that I’ve made
I miss you more than anything
You are my everything

I’m sorry for the lies
Every time I look at you
I want to die
Oh god, oh god
Goodbye, goodbye
I’m sorry about the lies
I wanted it to be swell this time
Oh Julie, Oh Julie
I love you, I love you

All the memories through the photographs
Staring at them thrown all over my floor
Remind me of how my life was a joy
And now I’m nothing without you
And there’s nothing I can do
I hope you feel it to

I’m sorry for the lies
Every time I look at you
I want to die
Oh god, Oh god
Goodbye, Goodbye
I’m sorry about the lies
I wanted it to be swell this time
Oh Julie, Oh Julie
I need you, I need you

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