A story with tea | Teen Ink

A story with tea

May 4, 2016
By KChayes BRONZE, Eureka, Missouri
KChayes BRONZE, Eureka, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are the center of your life!
Like an axis you tilt
You are the cause and effect
Your choices hold weight
Don't ever forget

Just take a look into the sky
To who do you abide
Just take a look into the sun
Does it make you wanna run

The birds will always fly
While animals kill to stay alive
The rain will cure the drought
We will always carry this out

Just take a look into the sky
To who do you abide
Just take a look into the sun
Does it make you wanna run

All is one one is all
The butterfly effect could cause a fall
So who will you trust
Who will you trust

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