We were perfect | Teen Ink

We were perfect

November 19, 2018
By Julienne_s BRONZE, Hugoton, Kansas
Julienne_s BRONZE, Hugoton, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My love has eyes as deep as the ocean

Fall in and get lost in them forever

You make me feel all sort of emotion
Come with me we can get lost together
Just us against the world just you and me
The end of the world we thought we might go
How foolish of me to think we might be
You left me falling just like some fresh snow
Our love story was my biggest heartbreak
Our love that we had has come to an end
love that we shared was my biggest mistake
I am now ready to love once again
Now I found better and you weren't worth it

You had me fooled,saying “we are perfect.”

The author's comments:

I had no motivation or reason to write this piece. I just wrote what i felt.

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