Not a Victim | Teen Ink

Not a Victim

December 5, 2018
By lakewest BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
lakewest BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am not a victim of my circumstance,

I am accountable for my own.

Occasionally struggling to make a stance,

But it's up to me and my spoken tone.

It’s easy to sit down and stick on a label,

Then walk around as just another casualty.

You are an individual cable,

Who can stand up for yourself naturally.

Wonder away from the burning pain,

Head towards the extensive self-love,

Come back to focusing on you and your brain.

Pay attention to the marvelous things above,

No more playing the role of a victim,

Use that energy on your own bright rhythm.

The author's comments:

I am an eighteen year old senior who has had a long, rough past. I used to play the role of a victim constatnly until I got old enough and realized that I am in control of my circumstance. 

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