A night of fun | Teen Ink

A night of fun

December 31, 2018
By DJAlyss GOLD, El,paso, Texas
DJAlyss GOLD, El,paso, Texas
12 articles 1 photo 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Practice doesn't make perfect,
Practice makes Permanent

The night has come, for tricks and treats, 

Which candy to chose? They are all so sweet.

I ran straight to my room when I got home from school,

I put on my costume, I thought I looked cool.

I ready myself for the night to come,

I am ready for a night filled with fun.


I walk out the door, candy bag in hand,

There is a party next door, everyone will be there,

Including my favorite band!

This is the first Halloween I will go by myself,

My Mum said, "Be home by twelve."


I'm excited and a little bit scared,

I hear a noise, I jump, "Stupid bird."

I hear there is a house that is abandoned,

By the end of the night, my bag has expanded.


The night goes by quick,

And as they say,

Time fly's bye, faster than day.

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