mood swings: a love poem | Teen Ink

mood swings: a love poem

February 28, 2019
By madisongreenwald BRONZE, Cerritos, California
madisongreenwald BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She said I was too much, a fire eating

The match, I stared upon the earth and me,

Watching my rise, my fall. Relapse. Breathing

In flames, my throat burnt.  I cry then I plea.

I cannot hear.  Swimming with the batfish,

Crawling on the ocean’s floor.  My family,

Cannot swim.  I will suffocate.  I wish

Again each hook was an apology.

I am caught.  A mistake from my past life,

the memory card wiped clean.  A misquote

Erasing myself, parts of the wildlife.

I scream, but water spills into my throat.

My first breath.  Fills my lungs, I am flying,

To the sun. Icarus watching. Sighing.

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