Phoenix Descending | Teen Ink

Phoenix Descending

March 24, 2019
By GRNelson BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
GRNelson BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am but a once-lived Phoenix in life

One with paradoxical compliance

With my flame’s dousing, of ending my strife

I’ve ignored ideals, gone straight for science

When my flames extinguish and become ash

Don’t wait for rebirth, don’t expect my fire

I’ll accept my dousing as it shall splash

I am ashes, not dust, I need no pyre

I shall burn hot to the end of my days

But will never cut trees for more kindling

Let legacy’s relic stand for the blaze

Accept, do not fret over life’s dwindling

Extinguishment is not when I baptise

I am a felled Phoenix who shall not rise

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my English class for the Day of the Dead. I wanted to capture the beauty in accepting the inevitable and going in peace, as opposed to fighting to prolong one's life at every opportunity. My ultimate goal is to be at peace with my decisions in old age, and thus, pass more peacefully when it's my time. 

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