Jesus Christ | Teen Ink

Jesus Christ

May 17, 2019
By Chrispen BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
Chrispen BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jesus Christ is our Lord and our savior.

Without Jesus we would go straight to hell.

He died for us to forgive our failures.

Through his wrists and ankles there was a nail.


God sent him, Christ, down as his only son.

Because he was perfect, like no one else,

Only he could right the wrongs ever done.

Praying to him can never hurt, it helps.


Jesus Christ, yes he's the incarnation.

He is our God in the Catholic faith.

Jesus suffered through the fourteen stations

But he decided to not show God's wraith.


God's love for us is stronger than Satan.

Sorry demons, I'm already taken.

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