Man's Greatest Fear | Teen Ink

Man's Greatest Fear

April 20, 2020
By PatataTime BRONZE, Hang Dong, Other
PatataTime BRONZE, Hang Dong, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every single thing has come to a halt

Man’s enormous great plans disturbed and stopped

Mystery virus spread about, who’s fault?

Now the minuscule world silent and shocked

Humiliating mankind, horrified,

helpless hearts hanging on to little hope 

Maybe things would be better if they hadn’t lied 

Cruel catastrophes we try cope 

COVID 19 is our Armageddon

Quivering and shaking, drowning in fear

But soon it will all be over and done

Will this mystery virus disappear?

Amongst this chaos, we all grieve and whine

But when this is over, we’ll all be fine

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