Last Here, First Gone | Teen Ink

Last Here, First Gone

June 8, 2022
By mellacross BRONZE, Washington Twp., Michigan
mellacross BRONZE, Washington Twp., Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s hard to be the youngest, 

The family always ignores you

Brother, sister, parents, and everyone in between

Extended family is no better.

Friends are hard to come across.

“Siblings” always teasing you.

Every holiday is different for you.

Excluded from games for being the youngest…

You’re deemed as immature to everyone you come across,

No gifts for you.

You wish family would treat you better,

They always disagree with everything.

Time to do something with everyone?

Except you!

People need to be better.

Not because you’re the youngest;

But you’re the only one not having fun.

You wish you could get the message across

That’s the problem, you can’t!

They all think you have an issue, who’s they? Everyone!

Nobody will listen to you, 

They all pray for you,

All because you’re the youngest.

Time for you to get better!

Wait, why?! It’s hard to resolve an issue that’s not there.

Why doesn’t anyone hear you trying to get it across

No one cares about the youngest,

Every birthday they all ignore you, that's everyone!

All you wish is for a card addressed to you,

But it feels like no one knows you,

They don’t even try to get to know you,

They just want you to get better.

They all don’t hear the cries of help from you

You find a river and try to jump across,

You don’t make it, who’s at your funeral? Everyone, but why?

All of this because you’re the youngest.

Youngest doesn’t matter and that happened to be you

Your life became none because everyone was busy making you get better, better from what?

All you were trying to do was get a message across.

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