Enchanted | Teen Ink


March 24, 2023
By brege93639 BRONZE, New Windsor, New York
brege93639 BRONZE, New Windsor, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thou holy figment of my fettered chains,

doth emerge from time’s hands a half dozen

whence a deviled exchange of our vile wings reign

sordid contrasts to thine beauty dun. 

My intuition points thine affections

as the sole motive for this beaten heart.

my voice agnizes with rosed intention,

to harbor a square whence we restart. 

I emphasize that thou express thine love,

as if a lock with nay sacred key. 

Corrupted serpents from thy breast rise rough,

thou doth aimed my sight pretends to not be. 

From mine dejection emerges darkness,

whence our bodies writhe in tragic abyss.

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