Intertwined | Teen Ink


January 4, 2024
By stellamyers25 BRONZE, Studio City, California
stellamyers25 BRONZE, Studio City, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We accept the love we think we deserve" - Stephen Chbosky

Pink petunias in a faraway field

Where lovers twirl under the evening stars

Chamomile, from which a sickness is healed

Steadfast pansies constantly trapped in jars

A wistful orchid, she longs for a friend

And yet she is always planted alone

Roses, that blossom and bloom at spring’s end

In a meadow where children’s kites are flown

A diffident daisy, who weeps in pain

For he’s too often called repetitive 

Swamp mallows that flourish in heavy rain

And ivy, who’s oddly competitive

Petals intertwine to form a bouquet

Gifted to one as a promise to stay

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