A Bumpy Bond | Teen Ink

A Bumpy Bond

January 24, 2024
By Jonkawonka GOLD, Tirana, Other
Jonkawonka GOLD, Tirana, Other
11 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I came home stressed from 1 long day at school 
The football game had just been won by me 
My dog came up to me and broke a rule 
He ate my shirt which I had got for free 
I yelled at him for long and made him sad 
I grounded him and sent him to my room 
I heard the doorbell ring, it was my dad 
Told him that the dog doesn't deserve the groom 
Whine and whine the dog kept weeping all day 
I will not lie it made my heart hurt much  
Eventually I just let him play 
Luckily, the dog did not hold a grudge 
But in his eyes, forgiveness I did find,  
A loyal friend, our bond forever bind 

The author's comments:

This is based on a real story.

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