Me and You | Teen Ink

Me and You

January 8, 2013
By Elliot Garcia BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Elliot Garcia BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thou face` so lush’es and thou eyes so dream’ee
Thus sk’I so dreadful and dark filled with shined stars
Reflecting off your kind bind cause your prime
Loved are time together hope we stay for ev’r

My love for is strong not wrong so smile
Walk a mile think bout me and you, take awhile
Make me proud let me smile excuse me it might take me awhile
I love to play games even though you won all of them, I let u win

The sound of your voice so soft and swift it…
It brings me to the point ware there’s no going back for
Another gasp of air but it’s okay because I rather
Smell your beautiful hair so come closer.

I love how shy you are its okay because it’s cute and adorable
You love me more but I love you more than you love me more

The author's comments:
how beutifule my girl looks

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