Missing Winter Morning | Teen Ink

Missing Winter Morning

January 17, 2013
By C.Woosley BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
C.Woosley BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the lifelong attempts to acquire it -Albert Einstien

All beings search for ambition through love,
A love that will prove different for all
And wake them like winter morn from above,
Because from heaven that love waits to fall

It will fall in various ways for each,
And also be seen different as well
Time and place will vary, when love they reach
As will the need always change without fail

Whether it be soul, place or an object,
The love will do the same for everyone
Yet some, love at first sight, choose to reject,
And for them, winter will go on, all done

But as they grow cold, they miss the brisk morning,
That winter love that woke them from mourning

The author's comments:
I am constantly thinking. If a poetic idea comes into my head I write it down. And from time to time the words flow. I recently had a death in my family and was thinking about what this persons loving spirit did for me and so many others.

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