No Where To Go | Teen Ink

No Where To Go

February 15, 2013
By GurlGill BRONZE, San Diego, California
GurlGill BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am just a boy who lives in a home
I have a mom, a sister, and a dad
I stay at home, there is nowhere to roam
If I stay, I will go crazy or mad

We used to live in a place called Berlin
We moved to Out-With for my father’s job,
I see huts which uncles and kids live in.
Where are the others? Doing other jobs?

I’d like to go outside for exploring,
In Berlin I had many adventures
I miss my old house, this place is boring
Outside there are many green dressed soldiers

Would the kids behind the fence like to play?
Maybe they do. I will ask them someday.

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