My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

December 25, 2013
By Meira BRONZE, Kharagpur, Other
Meira BRONZE, Kharagpur, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Make life as you desire...because your life was given to one else

If I tell that I am sad?
Would you believe me with my smiling countenance?
If I cry"I have failed"
Would you trust me with my all-rounder merit-card?
If I shout "I am fat"
Would you accept it with my gymnastics trophy?
Remember...Life itself is a mirage
You see something and its all fake..
But if you desire to survive amidst this hectic norms..
You have to make it all your own
But try to involve all others whom you can content
Whether its your night in shining armor ;
Or its your enemy who has received glamor
You have to make YOUR life your own;for you and others...

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