The Stupid and Long Gone | Teen Ink

The Stupid and Long Gone

January 19, 2014
By HotNoodles BRONZE, X, Michigan
HotNoodles BRONZE, X, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Always running never slowing to stop.
From one place to the next losing your breath.
Working to get all the way to the top.
Doing your best to avoid sudden death.
Eventually you’re lost and alone.
Running and running away from nothing.
You play hide and run to safety net stone.
Your sadness left in the dusty old ring.
Trying to move on from whatever left.
Look around child, nothing and nobody.
You have robbed yourself in this here theft.
Forcing forward not stopping to potty.
How does it feel to be so ignorant?
Do you like being insignificant?

The author's comments:
Sonnet I did for class, it turned out better than I thought.

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