Superwoman | Teen Ink


February 2, 2014
By Jamie Gray BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Jamie Gray BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were never close, my aunt and me,
My mom’s and hers relationship never grown until now,
I couldn’t tell you her favorite color or the last time she felt free,
But she is the strongest person I know, never did crack or pow,
My aunt has been through things other people couldn’t even imagine handling,
But she somehow did,
She would go through it tackling,
Not once did she cry like a kid,
Even though I was never close with my aunt, losing her would still be unbearable,
Having a disease take over her life seems pathetic,
Knowing this woman was strong, and not terrible,
Makes me feel sympathetic,
Having such a wonderful person come into this world and be taken by something so rare,
Life can just be so unfair.

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