My Love | Teen Ink

My Love

February 27, 2014
By kt7797 BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
kt7797 BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My love reflects the beauty of the sea
Our depths cannot compare to what is heard
When storms will come and waves will fall on me
He holds me tight and whispers not a word.

My love is like a great mountain up high
The journey to the top is far away
Together it won’t be so hard to try
And if I’m lost I know that he won’t stray

My love is like the sky so beautiful,
Glistens and glows each morning I awake.
He cares for nothing but his sweet angel;
Won’t wait to say “love u” before daybreak.

But on that blessed day that we should meet,
We’ll be one and together our heart beats.

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