One Chance | Teen Ink

One Chance

February 28, 2014
By JamesGuiry BRONZE, Oakville, Other
JamesGuiry BRONZE, Oakville, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is a gift many often ignore,
To some a challenge they will not face.
Others find it to be a horrid bore,
People who feel they have no place.
Some who think this just lay down and won't try,
That the only way out is rope, pills or trigger.
But they are weak, just deciding to die
They do not see the picture much bigger.
Life is precious we only get one chance
To find, through all hardship, something worthwhile.
Though you may not see it with your first glance,
You will find that it will draw out a smile.
Look around at the beauty far and wide
You just need to find your wondrous side.

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