Heartbreak | Teen Ink


March 25, 2014
By GirlofGod BRONZE, Medina, New York
GirlofGod BRONZE, Medina, New York
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Acts 20:24

What am I going to do?
You do not respond when I talk to you.
Not when I call, or even when I text.
Why do you ignore me? I have no clue.
Maybe you have left me for another.
It has been five minutes since we have talked.
For advice I ask my helpful brother.
He tells me to calm down, to take a walk.
He says this is stupid for 12-yr olds.
My head is full of silly, stupid dreams.
But to him forever my heart is sold.
My life without him; so sad I may scream......
A text! "Chill babe, I was taking a poo.
While I was in there, I really missed you."

The author's comments:
Relationships nowadays.

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