Asians | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By WilliamHo21 BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
WilliamHo21 BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I don't want to gain the world or lose my soul. Wisdom is better than silver and gold"
Bob Marley

Asians eat what they want and how they want
That is why boy Asians has better swag,
Girl Asians hurt people when they will taunt
When the boys sing, they throw up in a bag.

Meditating, as they will concentrate,
They are the best and superior ones.
They are legend, and they can also date
Praying, Asians befriends the coolest nuns.

Fighting like Jackie Chan, they always win,
Cooking as a chef, like Jackie Chan’s dad
They steal and make lies, so Asians do sin,
Quicker than most Americans, that’s sad.

Winning swag, as they scrub mud off their feet,
As always, they will never smell defeat.

The author's comments:
I take pride in my heritage.

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