Daisy | Teen Ink


June 5, 2014
By allisonw BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
allisonw BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stop living within the limitations of what people think of you and never look back.

Wilting slowly as winter arrives
When clouds roll over, darkening skies
Petals shift and and start to droop
Warm sunshine rays twist and loop
What was once beautiful, young and bright
Is now as gloomy and sad as night
The air is cool, all color faded
Trees tower over, the ground rests shaded
Almost gone, just half alive
Waiting for spring, when at last it will thrive
Winter drags, lingers, and lasts too long
But soon birds will chirp, and sing their song
Roots stretch down gaining strength and power
As it once again blooms into a pure white flower.

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