What People Don't Know... | Teen Ink

What People Don't Know...

October 31, 2014
By queen_lulaboo BRONZE, Kingsland, Texas
queen_lulaboo BRONZE, Kingsland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just smile through the pain, there can't be a rainbow without a little rain, keep your head up darling and smile"

Miss perceptions of austere affections...

Can break a heart in two...

Feeling bitterly cold alone full of depression...

People say they're there but in reality only few...

Stay and pretend to care but speak indifferently...

To the vulnerable broken being you've become...

So full of overwhelming distress, such a pity...

They're playing with your heart strings that are already strum...

So heartless and incapable of remorse...

Pain it's meant to be felt...

Such an awfully terrible force...

Being so fragile how is this delt?

What people don't know won't hurt them...

I'll never let them see the sadness inside...

My heart, My mind, My soul, it's a flaw that bides...

If they find out, my emotions will be condemned...

That's the deep sorrow of society my friends... 

The author's comments:

It's something from the heart...

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