When Your Gone | Teen Ink

When Your Gone

December 9, 2014
By Anonymous

It's in your absence 

That everything I old dear

Is taken by nonesense

It all disappears

It's when your gone

That fear beomes real

Like a light switch turned on

It becomes all I feel

But when your here

Next to my heart for always

Love comes to whisper in my ear

The truth of these forgotten days

That fear isn't as real as your absence makes it seem

That its only a dream

The author's comments:

I was listening to a song when the idea suddenly popped into my head. I hope people will be inspired by this piece, and that it might reach out to someone who might be having a hard time.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 15 2014 at 12:09 pm
Princess.Renda GOLD, Travelers Rest, South Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 159 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All the world is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust." --J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Eureka, babe, this is so beautiful! I really love this piece <3 Keep writing, dear :)