my road | Teen Ink

my road

February 23, 2015
By shrana BRONZE, Highland Park, New Jersey
shrana BRONZE, Highland Park, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I live every day in darkness,

don't think for one minute I like this.

my body trembling with fear and anger,

I try to eskape, but it seems there's no answer.

but wait somethings wrong,

or is it really right?

peering through the blackness I can see something light.

something strong, something hopeful, something glowing, something bright.

that small little something,

that small speck of light,

will guide me through the darkness for the rest of my life.

but wait, oh no,

my candle is burning low.

 I need to rekindle the light.

otherwise I will get a huge fright.

but then I realize from where I need to get the light.

it's the spark inside me of hope thats so bright.

and now that I've realized from where I need to get that spark,

being happy most of the time should be a wak in the park!

The author's comments:

this piece shows in the beginning how my life is now, and in the end it shows how I want to end up

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on May. 20 2018 at 8:35 am
well it does rhyme but you rhymed “-ight” over and over instead of using the ABABCDCDEFEFGG scheme

on May. 20 2018 at 8:33 am
you also spelled walk wrong and it doesn’t rhyme girl put this under free verse and do a spell check please

on May. 20 2018 at 8:31 am
this isn’t iambic, therefore it isn’t a sonnet.... the syllables are off... you spelled escape wrong... why is this editor approved?