My Love for You | Teen Ink

My Love for You

April 22, 2015
By Mikki.Dude. BRONZE, Duncan, South Carolina
Mikki.Dude. BRONZE, Duncan, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My love for you is stronger than ever.

If only you could understand me,
Because we always have to say never.
I have one question, why can’t you just see?

For, I have told you this so many times,
But why is it you only say “yup”.
All I want to do is hear the wind chimes.
I have one question, why can’t I give up?

I remain awake wiping off my tears,
Countless nights wasting away from this life
Just trying to take away all my fears   
Sadly, I was able to find a knife…   

Now I’ve moved on and learned from my mistake, 
Even though my heart continues to break.

The author's comments:

This is a poem about basically a one sided love for someone and I connect to this deeply because I've gone through this, it hurt and if you've gone through it too, then I'm sorry and You don't have anything to worry about. Just keep pushing through because life goes on.

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