You Can't Deny It | Teen Ink

You Can't Deny It

May 13, 2015
By Catherine Leonard BRONZE, Deer Park, Illinois
Catherine Leonard BRONZE, Deer Park, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 How can we hate yet feel this other way?
I hate that he’s reckless and rude
  I hate that he always gives me attitude
  And I hate that somehow I can’t stay away
Are we not convinced our feelings won’t sway?
Please do not allow me to intrude
But I am trying hard to allude
I think we want and need to love today

Someone to lean on when times are cold
A smile brighter than the stars
Eyes that stare so deep into a soul
Opening up about your battle scars
That once far fetched tale of growing old
Don’t let love be something put behind bars

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