Music | Teen Ink


February 26, 2016
By ._Hailey_. PLATINUM, Woodruff, South Carolina
._Hailey_. PLATINUM, Woodruff, South Carolina
23 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm like a crayon...
You may not like my color, but someday you will need me to finish the picture."

Music makes you feel peace and clarity.
It helps you understand the world better.
The music usually makes you merry.
People are able to come together.

It will also help you get through the day.
Even though sometimes it may bring you down.
So it might make you want to resurvey.
But it is always such a lovely sound.

It pulls you out of the depths of sadness.
It makes you feel pure and and so much better.
It lets in the light and out the blackness.
It takes your day and brings it much pleasure.

It will help relax your brain and bring peace.
It is such a beautiful masterpiece.

The author's comments:

I had to write a piece for my class.  I had never written a sonnet before and it was really difficult.  So I picked something I loved and wrote about it.

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