Trials of Love | Teen Ink

Trials of Love

March 24, 2016
By xxzeusxx BRONZE, League City, Texas
xxzeusxx BRONZE, League City, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To love a girl far more than you love life
And why she loves back, you have not a clue
You see her in fifty years as your wife,
Because when you saw that smile, you just knew.

When your lips press softly against her lips
and you instantly plunge into the dreams;
where want and desire are the only trips,
and your love flows like the strongest of streams.

When your heart suddenly falls from your chest,
and your mind spirals in downward motion.
For the need to follow a lustful quest
Soon outweighed love’s required devotion.

To have your heart so utterly broken-
That is the feeling of love unspoken.

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