A Closed Door Sonnet | Teen Ink

A Closed Door Sonnet

May 16, 2016
By Anonymous

The door closes as I open my eyes,
I have missed my chance, my moment to shine.
For there is no time to now realize,
My mistakes cost me for I am not time.

When you have the chance to be truly great
Then do not stay in the dark for too long.
Try to not forget to appreciate
The time when the door was open, kept strong

By your need to be better than right now,
They push you to be the best; to succeed
They tell you to get angry and get loud
That determination is all you need.

But they do not tell you the door will close
And you are left to fight your inner foes.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece with the hope that whoever reads it will understand that a golden opportunity comes around once in a lifetime (at best). To truly enjoy the human experience, it's important to take risks and it's even more important to fail. 

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