Beach | Teen Ink


October 26, 2016
By lilsqeak BRONZE, Jas, Indiana
lilsqeak BRONZE, Jas, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can feel the sand through my toes
I can feel the salt water burn my nose

I can see the blue ocean water
I hope the day will get hotter

I can feel the sand stick to my sunscreen
I believe this is the nicest day the beach has ever seen

I see kids building sand castles
Should I build one? - Oh what a hassle!

The air suddenly gets colder
Time to put my bag over my shoulder

Time to roll up my beach blanket
My  Drink! - good thing I drank it

I can see the waves gaining some height
They sure could cause some fright

The storm clouds gather up above
Goodbye the beach. My love.

The author's comments:

I like the beach, but this is how it typically goes for me.

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