Beach | Teen Ink


December 16, 2016
By Sofiagirioni BRONZE, Arlington, Massachusetts
Sofiagirioni BRONZE, Arlington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The dim light shines from the golden beaches
The waves that crash upon the pristine beach
The beautiful sunset leaves me speechless
The moon shines but it is too far to reach.
I cut threw the shiny blue-green water,
As the waves flow over me, not drowning,
In the day it will be so much hotter,
But i'll never be sad and frowning.
But the scares of sharks intimidate me,
So sometimes I just stay on the warm sand.
The water shimmers and calls to me.
From the distant water you can merely see land.
I watch all the other little boats float.
From my happy place I try not to gloat.

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