Watertown Aquatic Center | Teen Ink

Watertown Aquatic Center

March 4, 2019
By hdales25 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
hdales25 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled Watertown Aquatic Center, written by Toni Smith, talks about the fun, and the experience at her Watertown aquatic center. My first feeling that I felt when I read her writing was excitement. I was able to reflect back to my days at an aquatic center, and it brought a smile/laughter to my face. "There are two waters slides-a large, curvy one... a small, speedy one at the deepest end of the pool," stated Toni Smith (Page 21). The statement above is similar to the water slides that I rode at King Berry's Park. Also, I was surprised that the official life guards practice CPR, and make safety checks during swimming breaks. She says, "During swim breaks, the life guards practice CPR, and make safety checks." (page 21). In my opinion, knowing that information is very securing, and trust-worthy. Lastly, her formal writing is well-structured, and caught my interest as a reader. 

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