“Blissful waterfalls” | Teen Ink

“Blissful waterfalls”

March 6, 2019
By Flaredale BRONZE, Ayersville, Ohio
Flaredale BRONZE, Ayersville, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Legacy. What is a legacy?
It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”

“Blissful waterfalls” by Megan Resch. Overall i felt peaceful. I felt peace because of all the beautiful words she used to describe nature and the waterfall. She made nature sound so nice because “My eyes land upon delicate mockingbird trailing its wings in the wind.” The waterfall sounded so nice because “The water rushes over the cliff toward the treacherous, teasing the rocks below.” It overall made me happy we still have the peaceful woods and glorious valleys and such to calm or minds and forget about the hardships of life.

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