Lake Country Racquet Club: #1 Fitness Center in Wisconsin | Teen Ink

Lake Country Racquet Club: #1 Fitness Center in Wisconsin

April 26, 2019
By 0schaab BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0schaab BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m a high school athlete.  Finding a place where I can get a competitive advantage to work out in the Hartland area is an easy task, as there are so many great places to train. From NX Level to Wisconsin Barbell, the options for training are endless.  I have worked out at many of these locations, and I have come to know what athletes look for in an athletic facility.

    When I walked in through the glass doors at Lake Country Racquet Club, I was immediately taken back by the beauty of the lobby.  It was like walking into an upscale hotel; the workers at the front desk immediately there to greet you and even provide a towel.  

    When I heard about the place called The Racquet Club, I was expecting to walk into a glorified tennis facility and a severely underdeveloped fitness center.  This was not the case at all.

Equipment.  All the equipment is brand new at the club. One example of this is the bikes in the spin room, all the bikes are less than a year old.  The bikes are very high tech and only a few fitness facilities in the entire United States have that specific model of bikes. The equipment will wrought you into shape. The Racquet Club is not expensive either.  They offer multiple payment options and will work to fit your financial needs. For me, they let me choose between a monthly payment, or a full up front plan.  In addition, they allowed me to sign a contract to suspend my membership at any time as I am unavailable to get to the club during the athletic season; this allows me to continue to be a member there, and not have to repay the joining fee.

    Facilities. The Lake Country Racquet Club offers much more than just bikes.  The facility offers a two story fitness center, countless tennis courts, a pool, spa, steam room, smoothie bar, massage tables, tanning booths, and countless classes every month ranging from yoga to pilates.  

    Atmosphere.  At Lake Country Racquet Club, the environment is wonderful.  The people there are incredibly friendly.  Every single visit, you are greeted right away by a staff member who will always stop you and have a conversation.  There are trainers who are always available to answer your fitness questions.  There is a healthy balance of people you will meet.  There are many retirees who can be found at the club.  There are also athletes both male and female of varying athletic abilities ranging from those staying in shape to top level division one college athletes. The Racquet Club is also a judgement free zone, nobody is ever judging another person for their athletic abilities, and many people are friends with other people, which creates a welcoming atmosphere.

However, there are some issues that need to be addressed. due to being such a popular location, parking can be an issue.  The parking lot is tight and people can pop out at any moment, which is scary.  If you go to The Racquet Club in the afternoon on the weekdays or the morning on the weekends, parking may be hard to come by. Another issue is the lack of squat racks.  There are only two squat racks, which requires you to have to wait around during your lift, and there is little space to complete exercises like Cleans.  The platforms where you complete these lifts is small, and it doesn’t take much to get in the way of another person’s workout.  Lastly, the bars they have for cleans are limited and hard to find; this can lead to you having to use a rusty old barbell which will scratch up your hands.

    If you are looking for a top of the line athletic facility that will enable you to have all the amenities you need for athletic success while paying a low price, then look no further than The Lake Country Racquet and Athletic Club.   

The author's comments:

I am a high school student.

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