A Place You Want To Be | Teen Ink

A Place You Want To Be

April 26, 2019
By masoncarnell BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
masoncarnell BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Endter's Sports Grill is a family owned restaurant since 2007 in Hartland wisconsin.  I have been to this restaurant about ten times for a slice of pie. There's a lot that goes into scoring a slice of pie especially when at a well known pie joint in your hometown.  It's a score 1-10 and one bite everyone knows the rules, this means that it is a very hard grading scale for the pizza. I gave enters pizza a 7.4 score which may seem somewhat low, but for the way we critique pie around here they are doing something right in the kitchen They make the pizza look desirable and makes you want to take your first bite.  It is a great hometown spot to go to because it's always nice if you don't have to travel far to get a piece of pizza. People that want to have a nice lunch or dinner probably want a good spot and also a bar area that is very clean. Great family place or party place, I have done both with pizza and you can get a good deal with a large pie under 20 dollars. They have a lot of other food on their menu that is top of the line from burgers to salads I would highly recommend stopping by for some pizza and avaricious craving for some great food and service, Endters sports bar is the place to be.

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