Sixteen | Teen Ink


September 10, 2019
By kretcher BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
kretcher BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Sixteen,” written by Gabrielle Lattery, talks about driving. Her writing left me feeling called out and shocked. The writer explained that “sixteen is too young” to drive. She used her own experience of when she crashed. She also said that “teens believe that they are invincible.” I disagree with both of her points. I believe 16 is a perfect age to start driving. You learn more responsibility with driving that teens need to learn, especially in high school. Plus, in 3 or less years, the teens will be off to college. If the age requirement to drive would change to 18, that would give them less than a year of experience. Then they might have to drive far for college and would be more likely to crash. Also, not every teen believes they are “invincible.” I diffidently do not think I am and always drive like a grandma and follow the law. I do know some people, however, that maybe think that they are invincible. I believe a solution could be to reflect on the teens’ grades.

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