From Nobody to Somebody | Teen Ink

From Nobody to Somebody

September 10, 2019
By Tbour21 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Tbour21 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shut up legs, we got this"

"There are no mistakes, only happy accidents"

Section #2 Pg. #54

            The writing titled “From Nobody to Somebody”, written by Noah Fisher, talks about his journey of his running career. His writing left me feeling very emotional and inspired. When I first read through the article, I did not check to see who had written it, but even without doing so I could tell who had written it. While reading Noah’s article I noticed that he said, “I wouldn’t prove anything until several years later.” After he switched to cross-country from football, within his 7th and 8th grade cross-country season we went to State twice and placed First both times and then went onto Nationals placing in the top Ten both years too, so I don’t know what he means by he wouldn’t prove anything up until his Junior year of high school. Going to State in Jr. High and winning is a big achievement, but I am going to guess and say that he wanted to prove something more on the High School level. Which I can relate to. I have known Noah ever since the beginning of his cross-country career, ever since my 6th grade year. At the time, I was only in the 1 mile fun runs, so he did not even know who I was, but he played a huge role in my life. While I was a part of the 1 mile fun runs, I only thought of them as a joke, but then there was Noah. Noah made running look like more than just something to do for fun, he made it look like an actual sport. He was my role model and has been ever since. I noticed how he was treated and admired by his coaches and the high schoolers, and I decided I wanted to be treated with that much respect, so I continued with cross-country. Next thing I knew it was my 7th grade year and Noah still did not know who I was yet. As Noah said, “I found a coach who believed in me.” , and I wanted him to believe in me, and know me like that coach believed in him, so I trained like he did my whole 7th grade year.  Finally, coach had put me into run with the varsity boys, and that is when Noah finally noticed me as a runner and a person. We have been friends since then. My 7th and 8th grade years I went to Jr. High State with Noah and placed 3rd both years, and I thought that would impress him, but that’s not important. I was getting closer and closer to being as good as he was. Then it was my Freshmen and Sophmore years of high school before I knew it. I went to State both years with Noah. After that I noticed that I still have not been taking running as serious as he had been. He had given up every other sport of his in order to be as good as he was, so after some serious thought I decided to do the same. Now it is my Junior year and Noah’s Senior year, my last year with him. Which makes me sad, but also proud because he has done so much for me in my life. Noah Fisher has been my role model ever since the beginning of running for me, he is the reason I am a runner and he is the reason running makes me who I am. That is why I can relate to his article more than ever.

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