Wicked A Broadway Musical Review: A Not So Wicked Show to See | Teen Ink

Wicked A Broadway Musical Review: A Not So Wicked Show to See

January 4, 2021
By valentinarubio BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
valentinarubio BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
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 “Wicked” the Musical, written by Stephen Schwartz, is a new take on the classic children’s story of the Wizard of Oz. It tells the story of two witches, Glinda the Good and Elphaba, better known as the Wicked Witch of the West. This show gives us the early years of Elphaba and Glinda’s life, and how they became the characters they are known as today. Their stories, however, are much different than the story that’s been told.

What makes the musical so appealing is the passion that each and every actor puts into making the show a success. Glinda (Amanda Jane Cooper) was amazingly portrayed as the sweet and good witch that everyone knows her to be. 

Similarly, Jessica Vosk, who played Elphaba, was able to transform what people thought of as an evil character into one that people began to show sympathy for, as well as understand. Along with amazing actors to play the roles, director Joe Mantello brings the stage alive with perfectly blocked scenes which give audience members a full understanding of what is going on. As many agree, gorgeous costumes also add to the brilliant things happening on the stage (Szekeres). 

Stephen Schwartz, the writer of Wicked, was also able to compose beautiful music that was able to convey the storyline through the character’s songs. Amazing songs such as “The Wizard and I,” “For Good,” and “Defying Gravity” are very well written pieces of music that  almost every Wicked fan knows and loves. As recently reviewed “Wicked is a captivating story that calls upon your imagination to relive a new understanding of the wizard of oz”(Comment from Broadway Box). 

Throughout the show, Wicked definitely strays from the classic children’s story. For true fans  this may be a deal breaker when it comes to seeing the show. The original novel is based heavily on the fact that the wicked witch of the west is constantly terrorizing Emerald City. The musical, however, tells the audience the true story of the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba, and how she became the horrible witch people thought her to be. Some viewers may also be unsatisfied with the ending of the musical because it is so different than the fairy tale ending the novel contains. Despite this, Wicked is a “definite must see”(Comment from Broadway Box).

All in all, the wonderful actors, music, costumes, and set are what make “Wicked” such a memorable Broadway show to see. Being such a spectacular show as this is, is  sure to lighten anyone’s mood no matter the day. Each and every performance put on by the actors is full of energy and emotion, and is definitely worth the cost of the ticket.


Works Cited

"Fantastic Start." Broadway Box, 30 Sept. 2017, www.broadwaybox.com/shows/wicked/reviews. Accessed 30 Nov. 2018.

"Go See It Now!!!" Broadway Box, 16 Nov. 2017, www.broadwaybox.com/shows/wicked/reviews. Accessed 30 Nov. 2018.

Szekeres, Joseph. "Review: 'Wicked' - North American Tour." Onstage Blog, Squarespace, 23 June 2018, www.onstageblog.com/reviews/2018/6/23/review-wicked-north-american-tour. Accessed 30 Nov. 2018.

The author's comments:

I'm Valentina Rubio, a student at Westlake Highschool in Westchester. I saw this pruduction a few years ago, and in a time where live performance is not available, I thought it fitting to remind people of the beauty of live theatre.

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