A2K baseball glove | Teen Ink

A2K baseball glove

April 29, 2024
By lorb518 BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
lorb518 BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout my 12 year baseball career, I have encountered many different types of baseball gloves. Some I have liked—such as the heart of the hide (rawlings brand)—and disliked—such as any Mizuno glove. Within the last two years, I have been using Wilson’s A2K because I saw my teammates getting it and always giving off positive reviews of it. So I thought I'd ask for it as a birthday present and it was well worth it.

Despite the gloves' price of $300, its qualities make the purchase worth it. The A2K contains Pro Stock Leather which is very durable. This allows for it to last through many seasons without much wear and tear. For me it's been 3 seasons. One downside of the leather is its toughness makes it a little more difficult to break it in. It took me about the entire summer season (2 months) to break it into a perfect mold . The laces are also durable. This allows for the glove to stay the same shape and not stretch.

Additionally the glove is designed with double palm padding which not only softens the blow of catching a baseball, but it helps preserve the shape of the glove and its pocket. This allows my hand to be safe from catching any hard hit balls.

Finally, the A2K is more comfortable than the average glove especially over the course of a season or two. This is because there is a lot more room for your hands and fingers in the glove that still keeps it snug but not too snug.The glove is also weather friendly—any water on the glove will not hurt it; with other gloves, rain may change the stiffness and harden the texture within the mitt. 

This glove has elevated my game because of its premium materials allowing me to form a glove that suits my position. For example, I play third base and this means it's better to have a shallow pocket for the ball to get into when you field or catch. Allowing me to transfer the ball from my glove hand to my throwing hand making me a much smoother infielder. Also the red, white, and blue vibrant colors it gives off really makes me stand out on the field. It makes me feel like I'm a MLB player out there because I feel like I have top notch gear; and that confidence helps me play at the next level because I know my glove won't break down in the middle of the game.

So if you wish to invest in a quality glove, I would recommend the A2K— a comfortable, long lasting, and performance dominating mitt.

The author's comments:

I choose to write about this piece because it really connects to my life. I love baseball and I love writing about it.

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