The Best Friggin' Time of Your Life review | Teen Ink

The Best Friggin' Time of Your Life review

May 31, 2011
By Highpak BRONZE, Niles, Illinois
Highpak BRONZE, Niles, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Second City Comedy Club was the professional performance I went to. The show was called The Best Friggin’ Time of Your Life. The acting was great and the skits were so funny! I couldn’t stop laughing. I would look to my right and see my brother hunched over laughing hysterically. I would look to my right and see my dad and my step mom crying from laughing so hard. The acts were really funny and were, in my opinion, for a mature audience. One of the acts, the black actor, comes out in a robe and takes his robe off and dances around in a purple thong. Hysterical? Yes. For young audience? I think not. The actors even came to the audience for suggestions on a scene and would act it out. One suggestion was about a couple trying to open a jar of pickles. It starts off as just that and goes to the male being acussed of cheating to them talking about running away together to get away from life and have children. It was Incredible. Overall, the improving of the actors was outrageous and I loved every second of it. It truly was The Best Friggin’ Time of Your Life!

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