Lessons in Toilet Paper | Teen Ink

Lessons in Toilet Paper

October 26, 2011
By Seths SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Seths SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Halloween was closely approaching, and a boy wanted to hang out with his friend, but his friend’s cousin came and visited, and he was forced to hang out with him. Luckily, the other boy’s friend decided he wants to hang out with him. They decided to go toilet papering. It was both of their first times doing this. He went to church next day the people they toilet papered didn’t show up because they were cleaning it up all morning and ended up getting sick.

In the October of Teen Ink, Jackson Lloyd wrote a topic on toilet papering called “Lessons in Toilet Paper.” I have gone toilet papering twice in my life and both times were very exciting and got my adrenaline going. I have never gotten anyone as bad as the characters in the story, so I didn’t feel as bad. If we were to get someone that bad and they ended up getting sick from cleaning it up, I probably would feel bad also. Toilet papering someone’s house is very fun, but if you get caught you can get into some major trouble.

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