Response to "Bus Driver Roy O'Dell" | Teen Ink

Response to "Bus Driver Roy O'Dell"

November 14, 2013
By Noah Frost SILVER, Continental, Ohio
Noah Frost SILVER, Continental, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the November issue of Teen Ink, Dakota Lawson’s article “Bus Driver Roy O’Dell” saddened me. Although I never enjoyed the rigid bus drivers that plague my childhood, the author used good language to sympathize his emotions with the reader. The selection built up Roy and the boy’s relationship through a delightful exposition. Just as the reader began to think nothing could come between the two, Roy goes MIA. The boy discovers he died of cancer. His final act was giving each and every child on the bus a crisp two-dollar bill. The boy learns a valuable lesson that reflects upon the reader’s life about responsibility and caring.

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