Atlantis in Peril Reveiw | Teen Ink

Atlantis in Peril Reveiw

August 16, 2015
By SnowiWolfeh BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
SnowiWolfeh BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After reading the book Atlantis in Peril, I was quite surprised by the cliffhanger ending it provided, as well as the overall plot. It is the second book in a series about the origins and end of the mythical island of Atlantis. Atlantis in Peril’s plot deviated significantly from what I would have expected after reading the first book. It contained a lot of twists and turns, that will, inevitably, cause the destruction of Atlantis. It is a very interesting book. I enjoyed it a lot, but some of the character action went against what had been previously established, and background characters were brought to the forefront unexpectedly.
The overall plot of Atlantis in peril follows the adventures of immortals Promi and Jaladay and the Atlanteans Shangri and Atlanta, who the island is named after. The book starts out with the main villain Narkazan emerging from his prison the Maelstrom. Meanwhile, Promi is tearing holes in the veil between the Spirit Realm and the Earth to visit Atlanta. He meets up with his parents to discuss this, but Jaladay, his sister, is kidnapped by Narkazan. Before this, he met Atlanta, and they fought, ending their friendship. Promi then leaves in search of Jaladay but is captured by an old enemy Grukarr, who is to take him to Narkazan. Thankfully Promi is able to escape and make a few allies. They reach Narkazan’s palace and rescue Jaladay, who refused to help Narkazan even under the threat of torture. Meanwhile, Shangri and Atlanta are trying to stop an invasion of technology in Atlantis, brought by a shipwreck survivor. It is slowly destroying the island. Narkazan is working with the main inventor to destroy the Great Forest, which protects the magic of Atlantis. The destruction is paused, however, Narkazan emerges onto the island through a pile of muck – and there the book ends.
It really is a great read; however the plot is somewhat unpredictable. I would recommend this book if people enjoy a fantasy mixed with a little sci-fi.

The author's comments:

This was just some summer homework :)

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