All American Boys | Teen Ink

All American Boys

June 21, 2018
By izealong BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
izealong BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All american boys was a good book even though I didn't finish. The book has two characters. Rashad is one character he is black and gets beat up by a cop. The other character is Quinn he is white and see rashad getting beat up by the cop and pretends he doesn't see what happens. The cop thought Rashad was stealing a bag of chips from the store and through him to the ground an stated to beat him. He woke up in  the hospital and his nose was broken along with a few ribs. He couldn't move and every breath he took felt like needles in his chest. He would pass out and wake up again all day. His brother visited him in the hospital and was very mad about what happened. Quinn's mom found out about him drinking and was very upset. Him and his friends talked about what Quinn saw and they all decided to forget about it. One of the Authors was jason reynolds, he is black and he didn't like to read until he read his first novel when he was 17. The other author was Brendan kiely he is 40 and white, he has wrote several books. I recommend this book because it shows two sides of one story.

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